Naturopathic Skin Care2024-07-12T13:09:19-04:00

How we can help

Improve your skin health

Skin Deep Investigations

We use thorough lab work and functional testing to take the guesswork out of getting you results. Research has shown that many skin conditions relate back to just a few underlying health imbalances. We work to find your personalized needs.

Personalized Plans

We use your test results to customize your diet, lifestyle, supplement, and topical routines. With so many products on the market, green beauty can be an overwhelming world. We offer plans tailored specifically to you.

Skin Deep Topical Care

We offer topical product consults, facial rejuvenation acupuncture, holistic micro-needling and more. We empower you to understand and access the latest in skincare technology.

We get it, skin health affects confidence, your feeling of vitality, relationships and career!

Our Approaches

Our team of skincare practitioners and advocates work with patients every day who are experiencing huge impacts on their mental health, their relationships and even how they are willing to show up in their careers.

Acne and Discolouration

Acne is caused by imbalanced hormones, blood sugar and insulin dysregulation, bacterial imbalances, local skin inflammatory responses, stress responses and more. We personalize our approach by testing and assessing each category.

Anti-Aging and Longevity

Aging can be a beautiful thing but the reality is that premature aging can also represent blood sugar, hormone and inflammatory responses. These connect the skin to fatigue, aches and pains, weight changes and more.

Inflammatory Skin Conditions

To address inflammatory concerns, we work to address gut health, bacterial imbalances, food, environmental reactions, and other causes of a dysregulated immune response.

You’re in good company

Meet our team of Practitioners

Dr. Rebecca Anderson, ND

Naturopathic Doctor

Stefanie Makagon, R.Ac

Registered Acupuncturist

Allison Adams, R.Ac.

Registered Acupuncturist

Our Three Step Process

For A Healthier Skin

At Advanced Women’s Health, we use evidence-based approaches to skincare that provide you with the confidence and direction that you desire from your skincare team.


Book your initial consultation and in depth investigation of your skin condition


Personalized treatment plan based on lab results and the latest research


Topical treatment to work from the outside in and inside out. Get Started!

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